16 Twitter Tips to Tweet Like Pro

Ensure your Twitter account reflects your brand

When you set up your account be sure to create a handle that’s related to your brand name and use your company logo as your profile picture.

Go beyond general, impersonal marketing messages

There’s no question that you and others wants to use Twitter to spread word of mouth about your products and services. But, that shouldn’t be the only thing you share. If it is, then you’ll bore your customers and you’ll turn them away. Source: www.Entreprenuer.com

“In addition to your marketing, sprinkle in unique, personalized messages that engage consumers one-on-one, as well as links to interesting, useful articles online. More: 10 Things Entrepreneurs Should Be Tweeting About” Source: www.Entreprenuer.com

Don’t ignore customer service

Chances are that your customers are talking about you and voicing their opinions (good and bad) about you or your products. DO NOT IGNORE THESE. You should Monitor Twitter for mentions of your brand and respond quickly to any questions or concerns. You might also consider creating a secondary account specifically for customer service. More: 5 Tips for Using Social Media as a Customer Service Tool Source: www.Entreprener.com

Use hashtags wisely

hashtags on FB

hashtags on FB (Photo credit: melenita2012)

“You can use hashtags — a word or series of characters preceded by the # symbol — to categorize messages and can make it easier for other Twitter users to search for tweets. But remember that you can’t control what your followers and others on Twitter will say using hashtags you’ve created. Some of those comments could be negative or otherwise used in ways you didn’t intend. More: What You Need to Know About Using Hashtags on Twitter ~www.Entreprenuer.com

Play nice

NEVER talk politics, bash competitors or voice personal opinions about as your brand about sensitive topics on ANY social networks. 

“On Twitter, adopt a tone that reflects your company’s image and keep your personal opinions to yourself. More: The 5 Biggest Twitter Marketing Fails of 2012~www.Entreprener.com

Try creating a Twitter contest

“Help spread the word about your products and services for free. When a third party spreads positive comments about your products or services, it gives your company credibility and helps sell your products. More: How to Create a Successful Twitter Contest ~www.Entreprenuer.com

Track analytics to develop more effective marketing campaigns

Analytics 3 Amatomu

Analytics 3 Amatomu (Photo credit: Paul Jacobson)

Twitter now offers access to analytics if you’ve verified your webpage: https://analytics.twitter.com/login. If you prefer 3rd party analytics you could look at some tools

“Such as Tweriod and Followerwonk which can allow users to track things like the geographic distribution of followers and the hours your followers are most active. Understanding this type of information can help you plan more effective marketing campaign and schedules. “Source: www.Entreprenuer.com

Clean up your account

Entreprenuer.com claims that “On Twitter, one of your primary goals should be to interact with followers. Consider unfollowing low-quality accounts including spammers and people who don’t follow you back. FriendorFollow is a popular service that makes it easy to see and disconnect from any non-followers.” On the contrary, this article “Why You Should Embrace Twitter Lurker” says

“Please do not unfollow Twitter followers who are inactive, no matter how long it’s been. There are many lurkers, searchers and readers who may never tweet, but still have a great deal of value.”

Change your password regularly


Vista-password (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“You don’t want your branded Twitter account falling into the hands of hackers. Change your passwords frequently, and consider using random numbers, letters and symbols that aren’t necessarily related to your brand. ~www.Entreprenuer.com

Take a peek at #hashtags that interest you

“A hashtag (the # sign directly touching the front of a word, no space) is simply using a word purposefully, so other people can proactively be involved in the conversation/tweets on a topic anywhere in the world.” ~www.Entreprenuer.com 

Hashtag searching is a great way to localize your searches. Hootsuite allows you to add a location to your searches so you can search hashtags in a targeted area and engage with those users.

Be yourself. Don’t be upset if your first tweets seem as if they’re going out into nothing

“Talk about what interests you, share articles on topics that interest you. Use hashtags to help others find them, and always make sure you @ tag the author, when possible, in the tweet. If you find an article because of someone else on Twitter, even if you tweet it from the article page, make sure to tip your hat to that person in the tweet, so they know you noticed. Even the most seasoned Twitter pro feels good when someone shows they found something cool due to her tweet.” ~www.Entreprenuer.com 

Social media is not just for transmitting a message—you should listen

Pretend you as if you were sitting in front of someone. “Make sure you give more than you take, just like in real life, because the karma effect works magically when we all share and promote others. And always do your best to be yourself. It’s just as important online as offline to be authentic, fun, creative and, if possible, inspire others with your words and actions.” ~Ann Tran

Know who (business contacts), what (information) and why (purpose) you are looking to connect with

“Your tweets should share thoughts, tips, resources that will help your target connections to reach their goals.” ~Britt Michaelian

Be generous with retweets, but don’t forget to share your own thoughts that can be retweeted

“Twitter is not as much about you getting what you want as it is you helping others to get what they want. It is about sharing and having conversations that are win-win scenarios for everyone involved. Bottom line, be smart and have fun!” ~Britt Michaelian

Social Media is about connecting, engaging and meeting incredible people

“Twitter is such a powerful medium. It allows us to connect with people across the globe. We can form long-term friendships with those who truly support us. There are many different and creative ways to utilize Twitter, but my #1 tip is simply: engagement. Reach out, Retweet, thank, and support one another. Always be yourself and stay positive. Twitter is real life in digital form. Better yet, you can take your online friendships further and meet in person.” ~Brooke Griffin

“The more you engage others, the stronger relationships you’ll form. There is so much to learn from others. Twitter is a source of knowledge, limitless content and valuable information.  You can connect with brands, business owners and anyone you’d like to reach out to. The opportunity is endless. Keep Engaging. Twitter is Awesome.” ~Brooke Griffin

Keep photo size in mind

Each social network (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc) has different optimal image sizes for your profile and cover photos. Below you can see the image dimensions posted by Twitter on 08.16.13







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This post was written by David Moceri