Article to Video Marketing – It’s Time to Take Your Article Marketing Strategy To the Next Level

It’s just not possible to deny that article marketing is a well known method of online marketing. And, why not? Not only can using an article marketing strategy increase traffic to your websites when people read the articles, it’s also a great way to help you in building “link-juice” that helps increase your site in organic rankings.

In fact, if this link building is done correctly, in no time you will see your own website on page one of Google for low competition keywords. If you keep doing it correctly for a longer period of time, you can easily gain a first page spot for those competitive keywords.

For those who really want to take their rankings to the next level, you should also be using the relatively new methodology of article to video marketing. This is where you take your article and create a video from it.

If you are planning to create videos from your articles, there are two problems when considering article to video marketing.

One of the majority problem is that when comes to creating the videos for online video marketing can be time consuming and requires some level of creativity . That is, if you want someone to actually WATCH your video.

Another problem comes about when you need to upload those video to various sites. It is inevitable when you are marketing with video, since you have to gain exposure by uploading the video to as many sites as possible.

Up until now, Traffic Geyser was your best bet when it comes to article to video marketing.. The ability of Traffic Geyser to automatically distribute your video to multiple video and bookmarking sites in one step is really a godsend. But it has a major flaw. You see, when Traffic Geyser distributes your video, it uses the exact same title for every video! And, when the search engines see all these identical titles, the links are discounted as being duplicate content.

To effectively create back links from your videos, you really need to assign a unique title to each video when it is posted. And, if you’ve ever manually posted videos, you realize what a huge amount of time it can take to post a video to 15 or 20 different video sites.

Recently, I’ve discovered a rather interesting new type of software that solves all of the problems associated with article to video marketing. In fact, it makes the process of turning your article into a video to use in online video marketing quite easy

All you need is to place your article into the software and it will be converted to a stunning video within a couple of minutes. Then, if you prefer you can add voice to your video. However, there are two options to go about adding the voice. One is via computer generated voice and another is by recording your own voice with a microphone. I have to admit that computer generated voice technology has made major advancements, and it’s actually pretty good.

In no time, the software can upload all your videos to various video directories like YouTube. Guess what? with each different video, each will given a unique title and bringing you a high quality back link for your website.

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at

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This post was written by David Moceri