Basic SEO Tips

The most important factor in seo techniques is the keyword for which you are optimizing your site. That is called as the targeted keyword. The most important thing you should know before you start optimizing your page is that the target keyword must be relevant to the content of your site. And also don’t forget to include that keyword in different page element like the heading, meta tags and also use the same keyword as anchor text while linking to that page (within your site as well as linking from external sites). It is always difficult to get a top ranking for competitive keywords even if you have a good PR (page rank) and good number of quality backlinks. This is because of the lack of proper seo techniques.

Hence, you should know the following basic seo tips when targeting a keyword:

1. Never target your page with a single keyword. Use keyword combination. That means also use the relative searches for that particular keyword. It increases your sites relevancy for that keyword.

2. Use keyword suggestion tools to get an idea of secondary and tertiary keywords that people are searching. There are many popular keyword suggestion tools are available on the web like google adwords keyword tool, wordtracker etc. Some are free and some are paid. But, Google adwords keyword tool is a good one and also free.

3. Must use your keyword in heading tag, once or twice in the title and description. Do not repeat it excessively and use in such a way that it sounds good. It is against the search engine guidelines and your website can be penalized. Again, internet users always refer to the title and meta description before clicking on the site on SERP (Search Engine Result Page). So, it should be meaningful.

4. Try to keep the Title tag between 65 – 75 characters, and description should be up to 200-225 characters.

5. If you are using images, then insert alt text relevant to the image name. Use short text and if possible use keyword in the alt text.

6. Use keyword in anchor text and it must be relevant to the page content.

7. Avoid all spamming techniques like hidden text, tiny text in the body text. Also don’t use excessive link building with irrelevant sites or keyword stuffing inside the site.
SEO is not a rocket science. Don’t expect any break through result. Have patience. SEO is a continuous process. Keep on doing off-page seo techniques like blog posting, directory submission, article submission, and forum posting. This is why SEO is also known as Kaizen SEO means continuous incremental improvement. And remember Content is King. Hence, keep on adding good and informative content on your site relevant to your site’s topic and visitors will be interested to visit your site again and again and also other sites on the web will be happy to link to your site and refer visitors to your page.

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