Being Realistic In Your Link Building Expectations

It can be difficult for most of companies to understand the full details of links within our websites and for SEO purposes, which is why most businesses choose to hire professional link building services to assist them with this. Links are exceptionally important within SEO as they are what make your pages visible to search engine, which in turn forms the connection between your website and your potential customers. When monitoring the effects of your link building strategy or embarking on a new plan, it is important that your expectations and understanding of links is realistic.

We all know how important PageRank is for any web page and the way in which a lot of companies monitor the effectiveness or actions of their link company are by assessing the page rank position which their links achieve. Whilst high PageRank is obviously a positive thing, do not focus all your attention on this alone without taking some time to think about the relevance of the link. You may find that for a particular search phrase some of your web page links are displayed within lower pages within SERPs, as opposed to the number one or two position you were aiming for. The crucial thing to remember is that it is all about relevance and there will be some instances when your webpage is not the most relevant to a search result, even if it bears some relation. Always look objectively as ranking high within SERPs when the search is not particularly applicable will not do you any favours.

Another important aspect of any SEO campaign is of course keywords and there is no mistaking that strong links should include some of your keywords or phrases. That being said, in the same way that you would not cram your web page content with keywords, the same should not be done with links. Search engines favour all things natural and that applies to your links too so do not be fooled by links which are jam packed with keywords but do not make much sense or offer clarity on what information the link leads to. Unnatural links which deceive the search engines and users into believing they are connected to something they are not can often be seen as an unethical or black hat SEO method, so always remember that natural is best.

Having a link strategy created for you can take time; however one of the biggest misconceptions is that once the groundwork is done, that is the end of it. Granted, the start of any SEO or link campaign is what takes the majority of the time, however it is a continuous process and this should not be forgotten. The way search engines index pages, along with user preferences and competitor activity are all factors for change and our links should be updated accordingly. Even website maintenance and optimisation can result in problems with linking, so ensuring they are maintained constantly by your professional link company is the best way to ensure your links stay strong for the duration.

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at

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This post was written by David Moceri