Copywriting the SEO way

Every morning, aging copywriters are turning on their computers and facing a day writing search engine optimised copy for websites, online articles and blogs.

It has only been about five years since broadband and social networking have exploded across the internet and suddenly everyone’s a writer. In the process, of course, the quality of the written word online and its value in the eyes of many people has been downgraded because it is so easy to rewrite copy online. In the old days, before the turn of the century, copywriters could earn a good living writing copy for brochures and leaflets that had to have a shelf life of up to two years. Now, the threat to the copywriter is that unless he or she writes blogs, articles and website copy for peanuts, the work can be done even more cheaply in India.

Of course, only online idiots believe that there is no place on the internet for quality writing. That’s not to say that good writers must not adapt to the new world order; they must, but good writing is still good writing even when the copy is laced with key words and key phrases to maximise search engine optimisation. The internet may have levelled the playing field to some extent but quality online marketing requires great skill to be truly effective. It’s a mix of having a full understanding of how search engines work combined with an internet savvy for optimising the effectiveness of social networking sites. Companies are all using SEO techniques in their Tweets via Twitter and paying peanuts to online scribes to blog every hour to keep their websites up the search engine free rankings. Everyone is doing it but not everyone is doing it well and that can make all the difference to Google, Yahoo and Bing etc.

Ultimately, no amount of skilful SEO copywriting and social networking missives can take the place of a carefully planned online marketing campaign. Believe it or not, viral marketing and good SEO practice only really improve sales and market share if your company has a product or service that people actually want to buy. It is possible to create demand and brand awareness with SEO but converting visits into sales is down to YOU.

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This post was written by David Moceri