Do You Do Link Building?

When you start trying to improve your websites rankings on the search engines search results, one method that you will come across is that of link building. As the search engines become more sophisticated, one thing that they look for is what sites have linked you (the search engines will see these as a vote of confidence). You can improve your ranking by making sure that a number of sites link to you, but there are a few things that you definitely need to remember.

The first thing to do is avoid playing the numbers game. While at first link building might have been simply been based on who is linked to the most, you’ll find that currently, there are many more qualifications than that. The search engines are now determining the quality of the sites that link to you and how trustworthy those sources are.

Make sure that the sites that link to you are trustworthy. While it certainly doesn’t hurt to be linked to by a number of different sites, having a few quality links from trusted sites will be worth a great deal more than dozens of links from amateur websites. How a search engine judges a site to be trustworthy can be a difficult thing to decide; sites such as hub sites which are main sources of authority for you field are best, whilst unrelevant sites and sites that use spam technology you should definitely stay away from.

Remember that you should not invest in link brokers or link purchases. This source of link building is one that is discovered and quickly disabled by search engines. Similarly, don’t rely on buying places on large sites to provide you with more traffic; a manual link building campaign will seldom be worth the time you spend on it. When you are working on link building, remember that there is a lot you can do when you put content out there. Whether you are writing articles or press releases or making small entertaining games available for free, you’ll find that offering content will raise your ratings as far as link building goes. Search engines are specifically designed to weed out sites that link gratuitously, so make sure you avoid this trap.

Above all, remember that the search engines are judging something that could give you a good hint as to how you should structure your site. Work on getting your site listed in a few different ways and by a few important sites. No matter what, when it comes to link-building and optimising your search engine results, relevancy is still of key importance. This applies to everything especially your anchor text, this is the text that your link will be contained in. You should always make full use of this and ensure that it contains relevant keywords to which you are looking to found under when searched for. For example do not use “click here” as you anchor text like most people do otherwise you really are just wasting your time.

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This post was written by David Moceri