Embed Video In A Webpage – Playing Videos Made Simple !

If you want to embed video in a webpage proficiency in internet technology is not a requirement; i’ll provide you with a very uncomplicated solution and you’ll be up and running in a matter of minutes. Just follow the guidelines of this article and i will demonstrate how easy it is to start playing your video(s).

To begin the process of ‘pasting’ a video file onto a web page, the initial job is to reformat the original movie file into a web format known as flv, or flash video – this is the net’s preferred display format for videos. This unique web display standard allows you to compact your videos into a smaller and much more reasonable file size, to avoid a cumbersome result, while managing to keep the display level at excellent quality.

At whatever time you wish to embed video in a webpage, this exclusive display format keeps your digital movies in a special mode known as ‘streaming’; so that whenever any of your visitors click on play they can start watching your movie(s) easily and effortlessly, without delays of any kind, and even better, without the need for any special downloads or installations.

Now that you understand this simple procedure, no doubt you’re eager to know how you can actually do this, don’t worry – you just need a specific (professional) program / utility that will do all this for you. It has to allow conversion of your original file(s) to flash video together with an embedded video player, so all that’s required is to simply upload your revised video to your webserver, and add a small amount of code where you want your video to display on your webpage, and that’s it!

So as you now know, to be able to embed video in a webpage no special training is required, all that’s required is an appropriate application that will have you on your way before you know it, it has to be able to condense your video files to at least up to 10% of the original file, and supply you with an advanced, embedded flv (flash-video) player.

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to www.HeyGoTo.com today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at http://heygoto.com/wordpress/

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This post was written by David Moceri