Highly Touted Social News Site to Officially Launch on August 23rd

This has been touted as the next big social site by industry experts, has officially announced a launch date of August 23rd  promises to deliver the very best articles, videos and images on any topic that you can think of, making it an industry leader in the online social news world.

August 16, 2010 — With so many news’ sites currently in the market, you wouldn’t think there would be a need or even room for another one to come along. While the market may be saturated, there are still needs to be filled, and one site is promising to close that gap forever.

Backed by a large advertising budget and a large staff of highly trained researchers, they are promising to deliver the very best stories, videos and images from all over the Internet on all of the topics that you can think of.

While that may not seem like a big deal, most sites do not even attempt to cover this many categories. Even the most popular of news sites only cover a small portion of the news, and they never bring you the very best of every single subject. It takes a large, dedicated team in order to pull something off like this. That is where  claims they can close the gap and create the best social news website around.

It is a hybrid of a news site and a social bookmarking site, meaning that users can submit their own stories, videos and images in addition to the ones. This will help to insure the highest quality of news and information in one place, as the staff will be able to see exactly what interests the people and find information that will be of value to them.

So, will the industry experts be right in predicting is the next big thing, or will it be the next big flop? Only time will tell I guess, so go decide for yourself!

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to www.HeyGoTo.com today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at http://heygoto.com/wordpress/

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This post was written by David Moceri