How to Use Online Video Marketing to Explode Your Network Marketing Downline

Online network marketing is becoming more popular today and if you are still practicing solely traditional network marketing techniques you will be left in the dust.

One of the most powerful ways to generate FREE targeted traffic to your websites is through video marketing.

Video marketing is responsible for a lot of online millionaires and today thousands of videos are uploaded to youtube and other video marketing sites every hour 24/7.

In this article I will share how to use online video marketing to explode your network marketing downline.

Video marketing is a lead generation strategy that does a number of powerful things for you.

#1 – It brands you as a leader and an expert.

#2 – It builds relationships.

#3 – It instructs and teaches.

#4 – It can become Viral

#5 – It’s FREE lead generation

#6 – It can be optimized for the search engines resulting in free traffic

#7 – It can sell your products, business opportunities, and services

Now, after seeing seven ways you can use video marketing in your business, I hope you can see that you would be foolish not to implement this online marketing strategy.

It’s time to get your creative juices flowing and begin creating your first video. You will need to buy a webcam (if you don’t already have one) that has at least 1300 px. This will allow your videos to have a clearer and more professional picture. A decent webcam should only cost you between $50.00 – $100.00. After getting your webcam set up on your computer take a little time and get familiar with all of it’s features.

The key to video marketing is to be yourself. Don’t feel like you have to be someone your not. You are trying to brand YOU, not someone else. You want people to be ATTRACTED to YOU period.

A peice of software that most computers have is “Windows Movie Maker”. Take a look in your “My Computer” and see if you can locate this software.

Windows Movie Maker will allow you to take your videos and create titles and credits, add audio, and images to your videos.

It’s a lot of fun using but don’t get carried away, you have work to do.

After editing your video in windows movie maker you need to publish it and save it to your computer.

Congratulations!! You now have a video that you can market for the rest of time and generate leads over and over again.

To market your videos you can either upload them manually or use a powerful website that will blast your videos to 14 video marketing sites for FREE. The website I’m talking about is

Go there and set up a free account and begin uploading your videos. Next, tubemogul will ask you to fill in the title and information about your video. This is where you can optimize it and make it easy to find.

At this step you want to do some research. Go to youtube and look at other popular videos in your target market. Watch their videos and see how they have optimized their videos. Especially take a look at the keywords they used. You can copy and paste (this will save you a lot of time) and input the same keywords into your video’s summary. Doing this will ensure that over time your video will get traffic.

After uploading and optimizing your videos at tubemogul you can now lauch your video and blast it out to youtube, aol, yahoo, google and many others.

I sincerely hope you have found this article helpful and will get cracking today on implementing video marketing to your business.

If you would like to learn more about me and how your business can benefit from an online marketing system, check out my resources below.

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at

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This post was written by David Moceri