Increase Web Traffic: 3 Surefire Tips To Get Laser-Targeted Traffic To Your Sites

I am about to show you how to increase your web traffic dramatically.  If you are tired of beating your head up against a brick wall, then these tips will save you months of headaches.

Thank your lucky stars that over 200 million people access the Internet.  When it comes to making money online, you can’t ignore the mere presence of 200 million people, no matter what you sell on the internet.

Say what you will, but if you’ve been online for any amount of time, you already know that getting the audience you want is a lot harder than it seems.

When the dust settles, you have search engines to submit to, links to make, banner exchanges to sign up for, e-mail databases to create, lists to post to, and I could go on and on.

It is absolutely vital that you think outside the box when you are designing a web promotion strategy.  You see, the Internet provides a place for any and everyone to share, receive, and contribute information.

But here’s the real kicker…you have to know HOW to harness this traffic and give the people what they are looking for.  Keep reading as we cut through the smoke and mirrors.  You will walk away with a solid plan for increasing your web traffic.

Let’s begin…

1) Target The Right Audience.

No doubt about it, the Internet is a market of niches; and if you have the capability of appealing to one or more of these niches, you can become very successful.

Here’s the tip…the more obscure the subject, and the smaller the market, the less users you will get for your website.

With that being said, you goal here is to get people who are interested, and with money to spend, to come to your site and become loyal users.

It is a waste of time to market to people whose interests are different from what your website is promoting.

Consider this fact:  If you goal is to make money, you want to bring to your website the types of people who are prepared to buy what you are selling.  There is no need to reinvent the wheel here. Being everything to everybody will put you on the short end of the stick every time.

Let me ask you…who will benefit the most from visiting your site?  If you can answer this question, you have your target market.

Direct your marketing efforts only towards that group people, and you will be able to get your foot in the door and start seeing some real profit.

By now, you are probably wondering just how to find your target audience.  A good rule of thumb is to look for online communities, e-mail lists, discussion forums, and virtual communities in your niche.

Poke around different sites to see what is most important to them.  What are their complaints?  What problem keeps popping up that no one has solved?  You’ll be surprised at just how much you can learn from this method.

In fact, if you do this early enough in the game, and on a consistent basis, your marketing strategy will develop right before your eyes.

2) Know Your Competition.

If you really want to increase your web traffic immensely, then research your niche and spend as much time as possible studying how other website are conducting business.  You can use any search engine to find websites located within your niche.

But that’s not all.  Visit your competitor’s sites as soon as possible.  What you can learn can help improvise the quality of your own website.

Read their content, follow the links on their website, check out and even order their products. See what their promotion techniques are, find out their search engine ranking, and more importantly – find out what group of people they appear to be targeting the most.

Pay close attention to those features that seems to gain a lot of usage.  Do they blast free offers, give out discount coupons, offer free software, offer membership to a free newsletter, and do other marketing activities worth modeling?

The point here is to look at the big picture.  What are they doing to add value to their site?  Take notice of just how well they deliver.  In fact, ask yourself if they over-deliver.

A word of caution here:  Competitors site do change, and change often.  It is to your advantage to check on these sites on a routine basis.

Stay ahead of the game and be flexible. Despite what you may have heard, consider getting on your competitors mailing list.  This way you will know what they are offering when, and how much.

Get to know your competitors well.  The more you know, the easier it will be for you to beat them to the punch and increase your web traffic

3) Make Your Business Easy To Find

As you might have noticed, marketing messages are everywhere, and it is easy to get lost in the crowd.

I’m telling you, society has a short attention span.  So, do whatever it takes to persuade them to your side – and do it fast.

For starters, your domain name is your signature.  It is a great tool for catching your target audience’s attention.  What it boils down to is making a good first impression.

Having your own domain name projects a professional image of your website.  It tells the world you mean business.  And, on top of that, it tells your niche that you have dedicated a space to serve only them.

And, just in case you are wondering, getting a domain name is really cheap.

The main thing here is to grab a name that stands out from the crowd – one that commands attention.  Choose a unique word or short phrase.  Something people will remember and can easily type into a web browser.  Think of words that cause good feelings to stir and begin there.

My point is, make the domain as distinctive as possible because it is what people will use to come to your website.

All in all, you can run a successful business and garner the lion’s share of online traffic if you know where to begin.  Where will you go from here?

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at

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This post was written by David Moceri