Introducing a new, more social Digg

Popular social link-sharing and bookmarking site Digg on Wednesday made its new, redesigned site available to all users after testing in an invitation-only mode for roughly four months.

“This redesign is a major revision of our platform — front end to back end — this is just phase one of what will be an on-going, iterative process, involving lots of input from all of you. We’ll be pushing out features on a regular basis and tweaking often, “Digg founder and CEO Kevin Rose said on Wednesday. “Our goal has always been for Digg to be a place where people can discover and share content and conversations from anywhere on the web. With Digg v4, we are introducing a few things that will make discovering and discussing news a lot better.”

The service has evolved into something more social than it used to be, complete with the ability to follow or be followed, and to import your friends from Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Instead of presenting news stories based solely on their popularity across the entire Digg service, users are presented with news stories that have been liked by their friends under a heading called “My News.” The traditional Digg system remains under the tab “Top News.”

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This post was written by David Moceri