Link Building – Age-Old Debate of Quality Vs Quantity

While everyone would agree that link building is indeed essential in website promotion, website owners and search engine optimization (SEO) specialists are not necessarily on the same page when they define a mutually beneficial and profitable link neighborhood.

Advocates of quality link building for one believe that link building activities should be exercised with responsibility and with due consideration for Internet users as much as for search engine bots. It is true that the more inbound links your website has, the better chances of increasing your page rank and reaching a wider audience. Professional link building services always offer to provide quality inbound links to your site.

There are quite a handful of SEO practitioners that spend their time planting irrelevant links on irrelevant pages just for the sake of inviting more traffic to their pages. Not only are such activities annoying and inconvenient for users, but it wastes time as well. Some resort to using “link baits,” which could be in the form of controversial blog posts or articles, which visitors will more likely link to their respective web pages, thus, increasing the website’s inbound links.

Link baiting is not generally considered as an unethical practice because for one, it does not employ the forceful injection of links, such as in spamming activities and putting irrelevant forum posts, and it could also be used with responsibility. Link baiting is becomes unacceptable only if for instance, the link bait posted was obviously just put there to attract attention and not relevant to the page’s theme at all.

How Do We Define Quality?

Quality text links could be found within an informative and useful block of text or information. They could be established through buying them from respectable websites, submission of content-rich articles to reputable article sites and directories, resource page links, press release links (most useful if you have promos or special offers), content links, and reciprocal links.

As mentioned earlier, respectable link building services make it a point to produce quality content to generate quality links for their clients’ websites. Website owners who publish quality links are those not just after higher page ranks or bigger traffic. They are out to inform and present their services and products properly to their target market.

Quality text links could prove beneficial in the long term. Practitioners and website owners scampering to generate as many inbound links by resorting to link farms or making irrelevant forum and blog posts. (Link farms, by the way, is any website that contains nothing but hyperlinks leading to other websites. They could be done manually or created using automated services.) Prioritizing the quantity of links over quality may indeed drive huge traffic to your website at a point in time but it does not guarantee audience loyalty.

If a website owner aims to provide quality and informative content to his market, he could be assured that his audience will keep coming back to his website and even recommend his site to other interested people. This way, the activities of the website will be sustained and provide continuous and steady profit for the owner.

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This post was written by David Moceri