Local SEO for Small Business

How much time and money did you spend developing your website? Would you want your site to be popular so that it will do wonders for you? Utilizing local SEO must be one of the central elements of your business plan. This is the only way you can compete for customers with leading companies because they don’t compete well on a local level. Conversely, the better search engine optimized your website is, the better it is found by searchers when they look for your products. Did you know that, with as much as 90% of the traffic goes to the sites listed on the front page, only half of that go to the sites listed on the top 3 of the organic results?

While it is tough enough to improve search engine results as often as they change their “algorithm”, it is equally difficult to update your web pages content and distribute them to all the mediums your customers’ desire. Look for ways to improve your customer search experience as it will affect your ranking in the search engine. Get on board with a local SEO Company like HeyGoTo to be in the inner circle and stay on top of the Internet Marketing trends.

How Should a Small Business Plan Their SEO?

As consumers start searching for products through the search engines, organic SEO will generate traffic and thousands of sales leads for your business. This will expose you to a large number of customers and level the playing field when competing with large corporations’ who spends money on paid SEO to attract customers.

Here are some of the steps to optimize your website for SEO:
• Select keywords relevant to your products and services. Go for “long tail” keywords or phrases as exact keywords for your company can be difficult to rank.
• Regularly optimize your website content focusing on local search, on-site optimization, linkbuilding, and social media. Ensure that you have access to change you website content to let you make more keywords when targeting new visitors. Don’t forget to include primary and secondary keywords in the homepage title, and meta tags, as well.
• Increase your traffic ranking by generating inbound links. This can be done by writing powerful contents, asking trusted website to promote your business, and enlisting your business to paid or unpaid directories.
• Register your business sites to Google, Yahoo and Bing local sites to get you in front of users searching for your product/service.
• Interact on the social media to get found up your web presence
• Measure your search engine results to evaluate your strategy and focus your efforts on high-conversion keywords.

Website Design Service

Does your website needs a website design service? It is virtually indispensable to confirm what your requirements and goals are. Creating a website that converts traffic to sales is only useful when it delivers.
• If your website is designed to be the online image of your organization, it should provide plenty of information about your business products/services. Short sales videos and frequently asked questions should also be provided so that potential customers will know who you are.
• If your website has no real-world stores, office or premises, your website should be fully e-commerce and receive a wide range of electronic payments. This site should be configured to deliver physical goods with full integration with delivery and shipping services.

Creating a website used to be done with just a simple static HTML pages. Today, a high level of functionality, security and interactivity, is what small business website design should be focused no matter what your website goals may be. It should be designed so that it will become a lead generation magnet. Your website should also provide valuable information to attract customers.

Is Video marketing effective for Small Business?

Google also indexes videos and blends it with other content listings. Video marketing increases search engine ranking because it can increase your business popularity. Informative videos on YouTube are being watched by people and shared with their friends. Video Marketing can work for anyone who does it well. But, if you need to create a viral video and make the most out of your video marketing efforts, you will need the help of an Internet Marketing expert to show what works best for your company and watch it grow.

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This post was written by David Moceri