Need Web Traffic? ? a Few Simple Methods For Success !

If you’re looking to increase the web traffic you generate for your internet business, look no further.  This article has a few web traffic secrets that are sure to increase the visibility of your business, and increase the likelihood that someone will buy your products.

There are plenty of resources out there that will tell you very similar things, so the best traffic increasing tactics have been carefully selected for you to follow here.  When it comes to running an internet business, the more visibility you have, the better your business will do.

Let’s start with web traffic made simple—publishing actual content.  Nearly 90% of all internet users utilize a search engine to look for items on the internet.  Internet retail is an $80 billion business, and your business wants a piece of that pie.  Therefore, research the most common keywords associated with your products and make sure those keywords come up early and often on your website.  Put those keywords in your URL, too, so they catch wandering eyes very easily.  Putting keywords in your URL, search engines like Yahoo and Google will recognize you and give your site relevance priority.  This means your business website shows up earlier on search engines.

In order to increase the probability of someone seeing your website and increase web traffic, the tried-and-true method is to post a link to your business webpage in as many places as possible.  Many places now see this as annoying spam, so be careful not to overuse these.  You may also want to utilize reciprocal links with other sites.  That way, both sites are helping out each other with links.  Keep in mind that search engines tend to rate one-way links higher than reciprocal links, so go with posting your own links first.

Let’s not forget article marketing. Submitting articles to top websites like Ezine articles can build traffic to your site virtually overnight. You can write them yourself, have someone write them for you or get previously written articles and “Spin” them. Article marketing is definetly one of the best methods to increase traffic.

Before you know it, you should experience an influx of visitors to your site, so make sure your site says what your want it to say and conveys the message you wish to send to your potential customers.

Linking your site to site rank pages is an easy way to get free web traffic, but if you really want to be crafty, viral marketing works as well.  Of course, that requires a creative idea and a means to get that idea out.

If you’d rather not be that daring, posting links, submitting articles and keyword stuffing are the more traditional methods of increasing web traffic.

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at

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This post was written by David Moceri