Play Video In A Webpage – Embedding Videos on Your Site !

If you wish to play video in a webpage have no fear of a complicated process; i’ll walk you through a very simple solution and you’ll be up and running in a matter of minutes. Keep on with these easy instructions and i’ll teach you how you can simply do that right away.

You see, in order to ‘paste’ a video file onto one of your webpages, you first need to transform the initial file into a web format called flash video (flv) – this is web most common standard video display format. This special format allows you to compact your videos into a smaller and much more reasonable file size, to avoid a cumbersome result, while maintaining a top quality display level.

At whatever time you wish to play video in a webpage, this unique format enables you to display your digital movies in ‘streaming’ mode; all your viewers got to do is click the play button and they are able to start watching your movie(s) immediately and ‘fluently’, without delays of any kind, and even better, without having to download or install anything on their pc.

Now that you’ve had a brief tour of how it works, you’re probably asking yourself how to get up and running, the answer may surprise you (or not) – you require an efficient application that’ll do the work for you. It has to be able to transform your original video file(s) to flash video together with an embedded web video-player, so all that’s required is to simply upload your revised video to your webserver, and insert a small code line onto your webpage, wherever you would like the video to be displayed, and it’s ready to go!

So to have the capability to play video in a webpage you don’t have to be a technical expert, you have to make use of a suitable tool that will have you up and running with a few clicks of your mouse, it needs to be able to compress your original files to at least by 90%, as well as supplying you with a professional embedded flash video (flv) player.

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at

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This post was written by David Moceri