Reddit – The underground growing social network


(definition from Wikipedia)

The site is a collection of entries submitted by its registered users, essentially a bulletin board system. The entries are organized into areas of interest called “subreddits”. Historically, the front page was the main subreddit, and other areas were “subreddits”. There is now no main subreddit.

Registered users, especially those who post new entries, or post comments to entries, are called “redditors”, a portmanteau of “reddit editor”. Reddit itself is a portmanteau of “read/edit” and of “read it”, i.e., “I read it on Reddit”.

Why should you care about Reddit?

If you’re an internet marketer, a social media marketer, a n internet-savvy business owner, or an entrepreneur looking for new channels, you MUST learn about Reddit.

It’s the fastest growing social space in America. Not good enough? How about 5 BILLION monthly page views? Still not enough? Reddit also receives 70 MILLION unique visitors per month. Ad Age adds: “Reddit has become, simply put, mainstream media.”

The study’s results showing a decline in Facebook usage may prove bad news for businesses that rely SOLEY on Facebook  to communicate with their audiences.

Here are a few more facts about the average Reddit and its users:

  • ‘Redditors” stay on Reddit for almost 20 minutes per day
  • ‘Redditors’ Visit Reddit 3 times per day
  • Nearly 20 million votes cast every day, keeping content bleeding edge fresh
  • There are 5,000+ engaging communities with multiple posts and comments per day



‘Redditors’ share their experiences, tell their stories, and drive conversation. These are the things that people actually care about. 

As always, the social media world is constantly changing. According to a Pew Research Center study,  teens are moving away from Facebook and toward other social media sites.

What does Facebook have that Twitter, Instagram and other social media sites do not?

“Parents,” said Sharon Bikoundou, a guidance counselor at American Heritage School in Plantation. “And I think they just think it’s easier to just tweet something and hit submit.”

The study also said teens are sharing more information about themselves on social media sites than they have in the past. But teen social media users were not concerned about people accessing their data. Instead, they blamed the excessive amount of adults invading their Internet space for their declining interest in Facebook. They also found the drama to be draining, the angst and inane details unappealing, and the constant reputation management stressful, the study showed.

“The new research from Piper Jaffray, which focuses on the teen market, reports that 33 percent of 5,200 teens surveyed listed Facebook as their most important social network. Though that number is still good enough to make Facebook number one in the survey, the site has dropped 9 percentage points since the fall 2012 report, in which 42 percent of teens rated it their most important social network.” ~ABC News

So again, why should you care about Reddit?

The younger generations are continuing to adapt to new social networks. Facebook will never die, but it may not be your ideal channel if you want to target teens, or target those teens when they get older. Reddit is already popular with the older users (25-34), which claims almost 50% of the user base.

When you see something like /r/weddingplanning that is a subreddit – a category for content to be posted, shared and talked about.


Reddit Ad Opportunities

The ad platform creates meaningful engagement with brand supporters, and creates relationships in front of your own eyes. You can embed anything into your branded headline-picture, video, live-stream, twitter feeds, text/links and more. You can enable comments for brand interaction – real engagement and real-time feedback. You can also do brand messaging, customer support, and curate authentic conversation.




Reddit TV

  • Average user time on Reddit TV = 40 minutes per DAY
  • Compare to the average time spent on YouTube = 5 hours per MONTH
    • Study by Comscore
    • Reddit will curate a special channel with nothing but branded content
    • Reddit will promote your sponsorship with traffic drivers on the frontpage and relevant subreddits
    • Reddit will skin the page with whatever brand messaging you want
    • Reddit will include branded content upon initial engagement

Reddit Gifts

  • Reddit gifts hosted  the WORLDS LARGEST Gift Exchange
  • Heavily Reddit ad campaign surrounding the exchange
  • Put your brand in front of thousands of people actively looking to make a purchase
  • ‘Brand Safe’ Reddit engagement that generates positive PR



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This post was written by David Moceri