SEO For Small Businesses

SEO is evolving daily, however the nuts and bolts of the practise remain essentially the same; and therefore with a decent understanding of the tried and tested methods of search engine optimisation it really is possible to garner the effects of a professional SEO services, at a fraction of the cost – perfect for small businesses!

Unfortunately there is a caveat, and considering the search engine optimisation is a discipline where any kind of advantage can be a really significant, benefit can be gleaned through cash investment, whether its in terms of keyword research or SEO link building; however, money is far from the be all and end all of search engine optimisation and with the right seo tools, and a considerable knowledge of the discipline, it really is possible to replicate the seo effects of larger businesses and professional seo services.

Good SEO Starts at Home

Much of your SEO advantage will be met on your own homepage, which is good news for smaller businesses on little or no budget, as by incorporating SEO into the design of your website, not only do you corroborate your costs but you ensure that your website has a sound SEO architecture.

Of course, optimizing the architecture of your homepage will require a modicum of technical know how, however, some relatively simple tweaks to your site’s structure can garner a weighty SEO advantage:

Efficiency: Building an efficient website will not only keep your users happy, but it will also give you a clear SEO advantage; this is because, quite simply, an efficient page (i.e well laid out and fast loading) will be easily navigable and more conductive to internal linking – which will appeal to search engines as well as users

Site Maps: On a similar note, although relatively simple to do, creating an efficient site map will garner you real seo benefit, as not only does it allow for easier navigation of all the pages on your site, but it facilitates the easy navigation and indexing, of all of your pages by a search engine’s bots.

SEO Aware URLs: By creating static URLs for all of your subpages, which contain relevant keywords as opposed to symbols such as %, &, ? etc as you’d find in dynamic URLs, you will also facilitate the easy navigation of your pages by Googls’s spiders and thereby increase your SEO capability. With this in mind, you can create static URLs for your pages but using Search engine optimisation CMS (content management systems) which will give you a good grasp of the architecture of your pages, and allow you to optimize it accordingly.

Off-Page Considerations

Beyond your homepage, there are plenty of other methodologies you can implement in order to garner an SEO advantage for little or no cost; and it still remains the case that the most fertile beds for seo link building are free pages, such as article submission sites and social media pages – it is important to bear in mind, of course, that any saving in cost will be off-set by hard work.

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at

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This post was written by David Moceri