SEO Misconceptions

As more and more people offer professional search engine optimisation services, the strategies surrounding what we should and should not be doing to get ourselves ranked higher is changing on a daily basis. The problem we have found at is that it all seems to be getting a little bit confusing. Things that used to be the bread and butter of SEO are now being deemed as unnecessary. Yet things we were told we should never do are now top of the list for getting a site ranked. Bearing all this in mind, we think it is about time that a few key points in the world of SEO were cleared up.

Firstly, some websites are still convinced that the number of keywords they have should be as much as is physically possible. This is an understandable approach, as keywords are what the search engines find. The difference now however is that search engines are much more sophisticated and gone are the days when the more the merrier. It is quality over quantity in every single way. Some companies may find it hard to believe, but literally having between two and four keywords in a typical article or blog is enough. Actual web copy may require more, but news pages and blog posts should not be crammed.

Keywords are under attack again as many companies believe they need to be included in their actual website name. Granted, keywords should be included in title and meta tags, but your company name is a representation of your entire brand so it should be memorable and as close to your company name, if not your exact company name.

This again links us onto another grey area – Meta tags. Some people are claiming that meta tags are no longer needed. We have seen a distinct change in meta tags with specific tags such as the keyword one no longer being around, but a website still needs something. Title tags have been mentioned above but one even more important factor are your description tags. Contrary to popular belief, your description tags will usually not directly affect your page ranking. What description tags do achieve however, is a more relevant and uncomplicated search result for both the search engine and the user.

Search marketing is all about natural content and directing users to your site in a more organic way. Many companies believe that true search optimisation should not involve any paid for advertising, as anything you need can be achieved through natural search. There is a lot to be said for organic searching; however there is still a place for PPC advertising. Including some paid advertising in your web optimisation opens more doors for you and can only increase traffic to your site. PPC campaigns are also very measurable and it is clear to get a good indication of ROI.

One thing which people are still doing which no longer is a necessity is submit their site to the search engine to rank them and index them. There is no harm in doing this, however it is not essential anymore.

Contact HeyGoTo at 702) 475-4227 or go to today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at

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This post was written by David Moceri