Should you buy web traffic?

Should you buy web traffic?

From the dawn of the internet, millions and millions of users search the internet for solutions, entertainment, and ideas.

Now how can we go about targeting some of these visitors to your site? There are plenty of ways to do so, promoting your site effectively works, and optimizing your site for search engine rankings, or advertising your site on other sites, like link building strategies and buying traffic.

Is buying web traffic a good thing? Yes and no, you want to buy effective traffic to your site, otherwise your just wasting your bandwidth, you should also consider that buying traffic for your site is a risk. If you are buying targeted traffic to increase your exposure and generate sales, there is no guarantee that you will generate sales from the traffic that you have purchased, however theres still a good chance of converting that traffic to sales if your site contains what that visitor is seeking.

Buying untargeted traffic is the cheap source of traffic, its very unpredictable, and you cant expect much conversion from it. In other words it can be a good solution to increase your site’s potential and rank, It can also be a big waste of bandwidth.

Be aware of buying fake traffic generated by bots or spam, you dont want to buy traffic that was forced to your site, pop ups are the most annoying thing a website can have, visitors who see a pop up will often ignore that pop up and close it and will problably leave site if continues. Having pop ups on your site is a bad idea and will drive visitors away.

Also be aware of buying web traffic that is delivered through means of iframes. This traffic is useless to your site, although it can still build your sites rank, you will not see much success from it as no visitor will feel comfortable giving away thier personal payment information buying your products or services. The most important thing is that the visitor feels safe to deal with your site, and iframe traffic will drive that visitor away.

There are many different sources to buying web traffic, much of the web traffic that you buy will depend on who you are buying it from and If can you trust them to deliver that web traffic.

The quality of traffic based on uniqueness does not always mean the more unique the better, as many of the visitors are seeing your site more then one time and may change thier minds as to wanting to buy your products or services or giving your site a more detailed second look.

Although unique has a great impact on site’s ranking, it is generally valued higher.

What source of traffic should you buy?
The best source of web traffic is delivered through sites recieving targeted visitors, direct traffic, search engine traffic,  other web traffic sources are through means of expired domains that contain a high stream of web traffic.

The Pros and Cons of buying web traffic

1) Increase your sites rank and popularity.
2) Generate sales from converting web traffic.

1) The risk of buying fake web traffic.
2) The quality of the web traffic
3) The source of the web traffic
4) Consuming and wasting bandwidth
5) Spam traffic and forced visits

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This post was written by David Moceri