Successful Video Marketing: Top 6 Strategies For Profitable Results

A successful video marketing campaign can catapult your profits by leaps and bounds. The exposure you receive from videos can be amazing – and when it comes to getting your message out to potential customers, nothing has been found to be more effective.

Today, video marketing has become a ‘must do’ – and it can effectively produce stunning rewards!  To get the best results from your campaign you need to keep a few things in mind…

Here are the top 6 strategies for a successful video marketing campaign:

1.)    Connect With Your Audience

Video marketing is all about communication. You need to connect with your audience, both on a personal level and on topic.

Video allows you to cross the digital divide and become “real people” to your customers. Use this opportunity to build trust and confidence with your potential customers.

Your presentation should be friendly and natural – much as if you’re speaking with a friend. Keep your eyes on the camera, don’t look around or down at notes. It can be helpful to place your headings and notes right next to the camera so you can stay focused.

2.)    Choose Keywords Carefully

Online marketing is the same whether using text or videos. You need to carefully choose keywords that will attract your target audience. Do your research. Use keywords in the video titles, headings and their descriptions to make it easy for the video search engines to index your files and link to your web pages.

3.)    Search Engine Optimization

Your best approach to SEO is to optimize for both the video search engines and the content search engines. Along with using your keywords strategically, it’s a good idea to use meta tags for the text portion of the page where your video is placed.

4.)    Keep It Short

Promotional videos are most effective when kept concise, direct and easy to interpret. They should only be a couple of minutes long. Web users don’t like to waste time, so keep it short enough that they don’t get bored and click away.

5.)    Encourage Comments

As I said earlier, the aim of video marketing is communication. Don’t limit it to just you talking, make sure your potential customers can talk back and discuss your presentation.

Often, users who provide comments are those most likely to take action – and these are good people to have engaging in conversation. It’s also likely that people will come back again to check out comments made after them.

6.)    Create a Video Sitemap

These sitemaps can be submitted to video and content search engines alike, and both types will index all of your video content. Double exposure for the same amount of work is a real bonus.

Used resourcefully, video marketing can deliver superior response levels – proven by the greater number of videos that are posted every day. When all is said and done, the advantages of video marketing are numerous and they could potentially catapult your sales sky high. Don’t make the mistake of ignoring this potential.

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at

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This post was written by David Moceri