Tips To Get Increased Web Traffic To Your Site

So how come your clients aren’t discovering your internet site?  The truth is, there are a lot of competitors.  One must play the game wisely to be successful and increase targeted web site traffic.

It is not a secret that performing well in the search engines is the most efficient technique for obtaining traffic.  Web traffic analyses shows that more people purchase something when they arrive at your website from an organic search rather than another means such as like a banner, or a pay-per-click ad.  So making that system work for you is imperitive.  Effectively promoting your website today takes some knowledge, time, and care but a little effort can produce big dividends.  Here are some things you will need to look at:

Traffic Analysis

It is important to know where your current traffic is coming from.  Unless you know this, you have no idea what is working and what is not.  You need to know:

What search engines are your visitors using?
What words are they using in their searches?
Which websites are you customers coming from?
What web pages are most viewed?
How many of you visitors are clicking through to your product?

Keyword Research

You need to pick your keywords according to the supply and demand of their use online.  Picking the right keywords is crucial to your success.

What words are people actually using on the web?
How often are these keywords being used?
What will it take to get ahead of the competition??

On Page Keyword Optimization

After you’ve chosen your keywords it is important to use them on your website pages in such a way that the search engines. You want the search engines to distinguish your site as being the most  as being one of the most pertinent for your search terms.  These should be added in just the right amount throughout your web pages.

Search Engine Submission

When content of your site is ready, then it is time to call attention to it.  It needs to be placed in a place where the search engines will see it.  You can do this either by directly submitting it to the big search engines or, more effectively, by linking to higher ranking sites.  Submitting your site to the multitude of smaller search engines and web directories  can also provide great visibility.

Link Building Strategies

The most important component of success with your website is how it is linked.  The difference between lots of web traffic and none for the keywords you choose is how you are linked.

Who is linking to you?
What text is being used in the links?
How are you competitors linking?

Website Design

How your website is designed can either encourage or discourage business.  Well put together pages can make or break your success.

Are your visitors becoming customers?
Is you site laid out appealingly so as to attract traffic?
Is it dated or cluttered?

Integrating these things effectively into your plan for you website can drive you to high rankings in the Search Engines.  Consequently it is important to understand each one and be able to implement them successfully.  Here’s to your success with increased web traffic.

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at

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This post was written by David Moceri