Traffic Generation – 5 Proven Methods To Generate Lots Of Web Traffic To Your Website

One of my friend, launched a new website just a few months ago. He informed me through his email that he was really very thrilled and thought that this new website would really bring him a lots of money. I visited his website and was stunned by the professional and dazzling design, easy navigation and nice graphics. He emailed me again a few weeks later revealing to me that he is not earning any money from his new site.

In fact, his earnings couldn’t even cover the outlay of developing the new site. I could feel that he was really upset and disappointed. What were the reasons that his good looking site did not earn him money? The answer was his website didn’t get targeted web visitors whom really desire to buy the products he was offering.

Web traffic generation is the lifeline for any internet business. Targeted web traffic generation determine the success of any online business. You can’t make money at all if your site doesn’t attract any web traffic even though it may look good and attractive. Even if you own the best product in the world but don’t have traffic, you can’t make any sale.

To be successful in online business, web traffic generation is indisputably the most critical factor. Every book you read about internet promotion would always give emphasis to the importance of generating web traffic.

If you are reading this article, I am sure you already have a website and you are not getting sufficient web traffic that you supposedly to be getting.

Below are some proven techniques that will help you create loads of web traffic to your site.

1. Link exchange with related sites

Link exchange with relevant sites is a win-win for both parties as both will stand to benefit. The more you exchange links with different sites, the more web traffic you’ll get. Keep in mind to exchange links only with compatible sites and not competitor sites.

2. Write relevant articles and submit to article directories

This is a in no doubt and verified method for targeted web traffic. Writing articles and submitting to article directories can give considerable exposure to your site. Not only your site’s page rank and search engine ranking will increase, you will also become as an expert in your field. You can write articles on your own or get it written by freelance writers for a small fee.

3. Send eNewsletter to your mailing list

If you desire lifetime web traffic to you site, it is time to initiate your own enewsletter. It is a proven fact that less than 6% visitors buy from any site at first visit. If you acquire them in your opt in list, you can follow up with helpful content and they will come back again and again to your website.

4. Take part in online forums and join communities

Forums and online communities can become massive source of web traffic to your site. It requires only your time and effort and nothing else. All you are required to do is sharing your knowledge and expertise. It will also build up your reputation as an expert and people always want to work with experts.

5. Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is the one of the best way of getting web traffic. Do you know what was the reason behind the great success of Gmail is? It is viral marketing.

Viral marketing enables you to spread the word about your company and product without any costs or very low costs only. You can create a short report or simple software and allow others to pass it to their friends and relatives. You can also add your web link to a funny video or entertaining game.

Just follow these simple methods on traffic generation and you are sure to get your website flooded with enormous web traffic. Not just general traffic but targeted web traffic whom really desire to buy your product as they require it.

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This post was written by David Moceri