Video Marketing for more traffic

Video marketing is extremely popular online.  Most marketers are not using it fully and so are leaving money on the table.

Most marketers don’t use video marketing purely because they don’t know where to get started with it.  It isn’t actually that complicated and you will find it shockingly simple when you do use it.

Videos can very easily go viral and you will find yourself getting hordes of traffic from them.  The search engines are in love with with video at at the present moment.  Most searches now provide at least a handful of videos in the top five results.

Creating a video isn’t really tricky.  Live action videos can be created from a webcam, digital camera, video camera or even your mobile phone.

Software such as Camtasia enables you to capture the screen and demonstrate how to use some software or a website.  These types of video are very effective since people can see what they are buying or what they need to do.

Promotional videos can be created by Windows Movie Maker, which is a part of most Windows XP and above computers or using a website such as Jing or Animoto.  You can swiftly record some great videos to use as adverts.

Your video must be something people will enjoy.  You want your viewers to be captured so they want to know more.

Prior to you submitting your video, you need to know which keywords to use as tags.  This calls for some keyword research.  You can either use the Google External Keyword Tool or any other tool of your choice.

You may manually submit your video to various video directories, but this takes a lot of time.  It can be outsourced, which will come at a price, or you could use a tool to do it.  Alternatively, you can use the TubeMogul website, which is free to use.

This submits your video articles to a handful of video directories automatically.  Once you have produced some videos and are established on their site you are able to add additional video directories.

The videos that are accepted will start to be distributed all overthe InternetThose videos that are accepted into the directories will be distributed all throughoutthe Internet.  The websites which receive their content from the video directories will also pick up your video.

Set up a Google Alert for your video name and you will be astonished to see how far a single video will get you.  If you put your URL in the video itself as well as the description then you will get traffic from it.

Video marketing is proving to be a very powerful and effective technique of getting traffic to your website.  It is still underused and a method that you can start to use to further boost your sites in the search engines.

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at

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This post was written by David Moceri