Video Marketing to a Pop Culture

More and more websites are using video marketing techniques to reach out to consumers. They may develop a professional and informational video that includes visual links to their website and market them through places like YouTube and other similar video distribution sites.

For instance you may find there are sites that deal with entertainment news that will develop dozens of videos that consumers discover searching for information on their favorite personality. Those videos will work to direct that consumer to their primary website.

Some businesses will find that news organizations or even customers have created a video discussing or using their product. Those existing videos can be placed on the company website for consumers to view in an effort to show the value of the product or service you are offering.

If you have a video produced for online viewing you can use music and visual tone to provide the atmosphere customers might gravitate to in determining a willingness to not only buy, but to extend trust.

You should never minimize the emotional impact of the tools you use. For instance if your site deals in nostalgia then you might want to accentuate elements of nostalgia for your customers. Provide visual clues to the history of the era you are discussing. Talk about the ‘good old days’ and what made them good. Invite consumers to grab their own slice of memory in the form of your product line. After all, this trend is seen in restaurants across America. It is found in the family rooms of homes throughout all fifty states. Jukeboxes, pinball machines, tin signs and collectible memorabilia are some of the more common nostalgic elements. There is a market for these things so why not use visual media to market that sense of connection with a personally memorable past.

On the other hand if you were to talk about homemade pine bough furniture you might find an earthy, rootsy approach to sharing your marketing information. If you are seeking to connect with teens you would obviously look for a video that appeals to the vital need for electronic connection and individual taste.

Face it; virtually every customer has been inundated with pop culture. Consumers have a connection to the presence of video and audio. You may actually find that they intentionally seek out video on sales sites. They want to see the product or service in action. They want to visualize what life would be like with what you have to offer. They want to imagine the possibilities associated with the product.

Many will gravitate toward this type of presentation to the exclusion of reading a well-written synopsis of the product. They would rather see and hear than read. This may speak to a fundamental change in our culture, but consumers really have changed the way they want to be approached with a broad range of subjects. When it comes to consumption they often prefer visual cues first. Create something new, use existing video tools, develop visual guides and allow the use of video to enhance the user experience as well as your profit margin.

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This post was written by David Moceri