Web Traffic – Turning Your Words Into Traffic

As you already know, web traffic is a major part of any website. Your website just can’t function without it. Your website needs increased traffic in order to survive.
The one question we always ask ourselves as online marketers is how do we increase traffic to our websites. That’s why I written a lot about getting unlimited free web traffic.
As a marketer you want to get web traffic from many place as you can. Traffic is so very important to an internet business that it can’t be left to chance. With that in mind here are some other things you can do to send traffic to your website.
One of the best ways to get web traffic to your site is through the search Engines. Having good content on your website helps with this tremendously. The main reason people go online is to get information. If you supply good content to your visitors they will return to your site again and again. Adding natural links to your quality content can lead to sales for products you are promoting. Making money is the reason you are online.
The question of where to find quality content for your web pages seem to baffle many webmaster. If you have been following what’s been happening with the search engines, you know that they are removing or downgrading websites because they lack quality content. You don’t want that to happen to your website.
So, what do you do?
I suggest writing your own content. Believe me, its not that difficult. You don’t need any fancy tools. You just need to first decide what subject it is you want discuss and then begin to organize your thoughts.
Let’s say, you want to write an article on the subject of “Training Your Dog.” Like me you may not know anything about training dogs but, you have an adsense site where you want to send visitors to. You first step would be to do a little research on the subject. Type in one of the major search engines the words “dog training.” You will get a list of over 12 million sites on the subject.
Take about twenty minutes to gather all the information you can on the subject. Once you have compiled all your information decide on a title for your article as a starting point. Write an introductory paragraph and a summation paragraph. You are now on your way to writing a good article.
Read the information you have gathered then, ask yourself a question that the information answers. Make the question a sub-header and then rewrite the information you read into a paragraph or two. Repeat this step until you have met the needs of your article beginning and ending paragraphs. You now have your article.
Take the article and place it on your website. Once you have done that them submit the article to the as many article directories as you can. Make sure you add a resource box with a link back to a page on your website.
You have now created something that will add good content to your website, added free backlinks to bring traffic to your website and, at the same time, a sales pitch that can help you sell more products from your website.

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to www.HeyGoTo.com today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at http://heygoto.com/wordpress/

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This post was written by David Moceri