We’re Giving Away Free Tickets To The Vimeo Awards Festival – Want To Go?

The Vimeo Festival +Awards event is approaching fast.  Held in New York City on October 8th and 9th, the festival aims to celebrate the very best of the Vimeo community.  There will be screenings, panels, workshops, and more—all from the very best and brightest thought-leaders in video, including Philip Bloom, Morgan Spurlock, DJ Spooky, Lawrence Lessig, and more.

Oh, and like any good conference or festival, there will also be parties.

And you can attend the Festival… for FREE! The fine folks at Vimeo were kind enough to give ReelSEO four pairs of tickets to the event (excluding the awards show, which is an intimate affair), and we can’t think of anything better to do with them than pass them on to our readers who might want to go soak up the knowledge.

How To Win Tickets To The Vimeo Festival

Since we only have four pairs, we had to come up with a way to choose who gets to receive them.  So we’re doing a simple drawing/contest.

Answer This Simple Question – What’s Your Best Tip For Using Vimeo?

To enter the drawing, all you have to do is to create a short video and post a link to that video within the comments area below:

  1. Give us your tip – Give us your best tip for using Vimeo.  That’s the only guideline.  Be as creative as you can be.  Preference given to video submissions uploaded to Vimeo
  2. Notify us of your entry in either comments area below with a link to your video by September 30th 5:00PM Pacific (next Tuesday).

And that’s it.  We’ll choose the best four videos from all those submitted, and we’ll announce the winner Friday, October 1st right here on the site.

*By submitting a video to this contest, you grant ReelSEO the right to use said video in future articles or promotions. Additionally, our giveaway does not include travel and/or accommodations to New York. You will have to book those separately and on your own.

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to www.HeyGoTo.com today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at http://heygoto.com/wordpress/

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This post was written by David Moceri