WordPress As An SEO Tool

By a wide variety of websites. If you are not familiar with WordPress, it is basically a platform for creating blogs and provides companies with a sold template that makes blogging very simple and easy to do. There is no mistaking that WordPress is extremely popular, however as with everything there are those who are for it and those who are against it. Before deciding whether using a tool such as this is for you, it is worth gaining a greater understanding of how it can benefit your site.

One of the most common complaints with the basic WordPress format is that there are risks of content being too similar. If you imagine hundreds of websites using the same template then there is risk that some of the content is going to be along the same lines. Whilst there could be an element of truth in this, the fact is that the template is in fact just that; a template. It guides the format and can help convert text, such as quotes, into a more desirable format. What it cannot do is write the content for you, so with this in mind, as long as you are posting original and fresh content then the chances of duplicate copy are minimal.

What is even cleverer about WordPress is that it is more than just a basic tool. As far as SEO content management systems go, WordPress appear to have thought of every angle. The best thing without a doubt about this system is the plugins available. WordPress offers its users additional plugins and widgets which enable companies to take their content to an entire new level which is above and beyond the basic program. However, the ‘All in one SEO pack’ is arguably the best. This plugin allows websites to optimise tags and titles so that they are more search engine friendly and can take a lot of the stress out of creating successful search content.

Another common complaint from people using WordPress is that it is not strong enough to be used within social media. There have been reports of WordPress not offering enough integration to enable blogs to be used for social networking purposes. This may have been the case a few years ago, however the Twitter plugin can be a life saver if your social media strategy involves tweeting. The Twitter plugin can basically take control of your tweets and you can set it up to automatically post tweets for you and submit all your blogs to the social networking site. Other useful benefits include the function to shorten URLs for Twitter which makes adapting content very easy.

Another favourite plugin is the smart links one. This is basically an internal linking tool which will identify relevant content within all your web pages. The plugin will then automatically add internal links which makes for a stronger structure and will help you rank higher within SERPs.

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to www.HeyGoTo.com today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at http://heygoto.com/wordpress/

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This post was written by David Moceri