Local SEO Trends

Best Local SEO Trends for 2016: Improve Your Marketing Strategy

What Can You Do Now to Improve Your Local SEO Trends?

In the coming year, local SEO trends are going to focus more on mobile marketing than ever before. The younger your target customer is, the more likely it is that they are shopping online. But that doesn’t mean that your older customers are not doing the same thing: following a 2014 study, Google made it widely known that half of consumers will visit a store the same day they run a local search. Remember, that study was conducted nearly two years ago. That percentage has almost certainly increased by now.

Google is so serious about helping companies get on the mobile-friendly bandwagon that they provide a free tool to help you see how prepared your website is for mobile consumers: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/

Via – Duct Tape Marketing: 4 LOCAL SEO TIPS FOR 2016


Nothing remains static in life and so it is with SEO trends. In 2016 as in the years before, businesses will continue to invest heavily in digital marketing and create a wide array of digital content. And as they do this, search engines will move away from content and focus more on devices being more usable to the general public.

The need for more web activities and having a digital presence across a variety of platforms will continue to rule, though in 2016 too, this cannot assure any business of being ahead of the competition. In order that you are prepared for all the changes buzzing around you, you need to be aware of the SEO trends likely to make their appearance in 2016.

Via – Brainsins: Top 7 SEO Trends in 2016 That Will Blow Your Mind


According to Digitalcurrent.com, Knowledge Graph, wiki, local, maps, social media, news, images and videos make for 85% of Google search results. These stats indicates that now people look for sources that provide all relevant information for a particular subject or topic that at one place.

A blog published at imediaconnection.com explains that content aggregation is a practical way of finding, collating, amassing, consolidating, presenting, sharing, and displaying content around pre-specified set of criteria to appeal target audience. If you too are planning to do so, make sure that you collect and curate content from different, high-authority sources and display it at one place for your users to see to build your authority.

Via – SEO Nick: 7 Simple SEO Tricks to Improve Your 2016 SEO


2015 has been a thrilling year for Search Engine Optimization. The year saw the much-awaited Mobilegeddon update, which penalized websites that ignored mobile compliance, followed by a new quality algorithm for content and a bunch of other minor updates from Google. Now, as Google plans to revamp its algorithms, it’s time to get ready to bring in a refreshing change into your SEO strategy as 2016 rings in.
Let’s have a look at the top SEO trends that will create buzz in the coming year.

SEO trends

Content with at least one image ranks higher than content that lacks an image, but using dots of images doesn’t make a difference.

Industry studies have found that image-rich pages tend to generate more total viewsand social shares.

This suggests that including lots of images in your content can boost shares, which should therefore improve Google rankings.

Via – Backlinko: We Analyzed 1 Million Google Search Results. Here’s What We Learned About SEO


What’s staying the same?

Now that we’ve seen all the ways SEO may change in the next year, I’d like to focus more on what’s staying the same.

I’d like to believe that certain best practices really are timeless, or at the very least, that some best practices have a few more years left in them.

Keep these practices central to your SEO campaign well into 2016, as they aren’t in any immediate risk of being phased out:

  • Content is still king.Despite some forms of information-based content starting to lose out to digital assistants and aggregated material, unique, quality content is still your best friend. People still need opinions, insights, entertainment value, and personality and it’s still going to be your job to give it to them in 2016.
  • On-site optimization is still about user experience.Some on-site factors are growing or shrinking in importance. For example, site security will be even more important in 2016.But the bottom line is that on-site tweaks are still focused on user experience. If a change would make your site faster, safer, and easier to use, it’s probably good for SEO (and even if it isn’t, it will help your conversion rates).
  • Authority building still occurs off-site;to build a reputation, you still need off-site signals like inbound links, social signals, and reviews. As I mentioned above, the nature of external links is evolving, but brand mentions, off-site listings, and consumer reviews are filling that gap as a new form of off-site authority building. The more relationships you can build with off-site authorities, the better.

Via – Search Engine Watch: Will 2015’s SEO best practices carry over into 2016?


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This post was written by David Moceri