Building Free Web Traffic Via The Pyramid Effect – Part 1

Building free web traffic is not a single-shot, silver bullet affair.  It’s a cumulative process that can work towards the development of major streams of entirely free traffic to your site.

Free, targeted web traffic can make or break your business.  To avoid paying for expensive Google ads or other online media like banners and the like can generate paid traffic but when you go searching for free, targeted traffic you need to focus on article-writing.

Submission of articles to major article services can build your traffic if you work on three, key things:
1. Targeted use of keywords
2. Quality content delivering real value
3. Consistent application

Failure in respect of any one of the above threatens your pyramid effect.  You need to focus on all three.

Presumably, so far as keyword selection is concerned, you have done your homework. That’s a different exercise, but you need to ensure your keywords – such as “free website traffic” – is used in your articles, which should provide some real value.

Where might you pick good content?  If you know your stuff you’ll be in a good position to provide some of your own knowledge, but check out what others are wanting to know about your area of interest – check Yahoo! Answers, for instance – see and see what people are asking about.  You can pick up all sorts of angles that you can use in article submission.

You then need to consistently submit your keywords-rich articles to the article submission services like virtually daily.

That might sound hard, even impossible, but if you want to build on the pyramid and get ongoing traffic you must do it – or get someone else to help.

Articles only need to be around 300-400 words and you should then post them to your site(s) and ensure you provide your links each time you post.

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to today to find out how we can help you!

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This post was written by David Moceri