Company Website versus Social Networking Profiles

Company website versus social networking profiles. Should your organization do away with your business websites in place of your social networking profiles for your inbound marketing efforts? SEO professional would certainly keep you from doing that because while the fundamentals of how you connect, grow, and communicate are through the social media, it cannot replace a well optimized website’s value. Your business website should remain as the central hub of all your inbound marketing.

While social media are a powerful tool to let you connect and stay connected with your customers on a personal level, it is a considerable help if you and HeyGoTo handle them appropriately because your target audience is almost always online wherever they are. Nevertheless, it is only another part of the program and not the magic piece of your online marketing needs.
Internet marketing is like a bicycle wheel with different spokes that link to the hub of the wheel. Marketing tactics link back to the main website, so you cannot afford to miss any of these tactics because it will undermine the success of your campaign and you will not be able to build a secure and reliable center to hold everything together.

Inbound Marketing versus Outbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is an integrated marketing combination of social media and content marketing, and SEO to improve your powerful brand and online presence. The integrated marketing concept was developed in response to the current client’s behavior. They have become experts in something that they are passionate about and not merely passive recipients of marketing messages. The social media have allowed unprecedented opportunities for expressing their opinions on everything that each societal niche already has outlets online.

Outbound marketing like TV commercials, billboards, and newspapers concern is all about trying to capture the consumer’s attention, interrupting with their daily life by sending mass messages. Inbound marketing, on the other hand, hones in on your best opportunities because it focuses on incorporating your brand into the daily life of your target audience by going after those who are already interested in your product and services.

In implementing an inbound strategy, you and HeyGoTo can plan together the pieces of the program that goes with your inbound marketing efforts:
• Focus on the customer needs.
• Do not be “sales-y” in your website.
• Always include keywords on your website page titles, Meta tags and Meta descriptions.
• All your marketing campaigns should drive traffic back to your website.
• Always provide valuable content that focus on the customer email marketing programs.
• You must create a landing page for your email campaigns.
• Use social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to get leads.
• Do not be overly formal on your blog.
• Always provide writers and reporters some useful information so that they will be quoted in publications.
• Include powerful call to actions on all your marketing pieces.

Since the Internet is constantly evolving and the social media is not going anywhere soon, marketing tactics can be replaced anytime, and there are no guarantees that social media will remain as strong as it is today. Therefore, you have to diversify your inbound marketing efforts and do not rely on one source of traffic because if for some extent the social media will disappear, you will still have a strong online presence. In a nutshell, one inbound Internet marketing efforts should not be favored over another if you want to be successful at pulling your inbound Internet marketing efforts together.

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This post was written by David Moceri