Email Marketing: Still Continues to Grow!!!

Yup, you read right. Email marketing — you know, sending out those hundreds or thousands or millions of emails to prospective customers, leads or clients is STILL GROWING! ..sigh…sounds like SPAM pays off, eh?

Well, not really is my own take on this, after a solid read of the latest research by Eloqua, a noted marketing firm that automates much of the daily hustle of finding those targeted new customers/leads/clients. And what a research report, entitled “How Do You Stack Up?” it is, eh…find it here!

So, what’s the reports POV….well here’s a quote on the rationale behind same –

“As more and more marketers adopt automation, they’re empowered to focus on the tactics and strategies that yield the most bang for the buck – and are able to measure the results. It’s exciting to see the opportunities unfolding for marketers who “get it.” As you can imagine, we field lots of questions from marketers who want to reach this level of execution, everything from the nitty-gritty such as “how many touches should my nurturing campaign include?” to broader issues such as “what’s the right ratio of marketing-generated to sales-created leads?” and “what are best practices for lead scoring?”

Remember, that this is a firm that “sells” it’s marketing via automation — read email here IMHO — and that means that any research that they publish will always be done to “prove” their business model — but DO read this report and you’ll see like I did that the numbers continue to show that yup, email marketing is both growing AND still brings in some pretty impressive numbers.

I mean lets face it…most online companies who delve into that marketplace for new customers/leads/clients are lean….there’s little if any “fat” on the payroll and everyone in management wears many hats. We all face the same issues with too many tasks and not enough time and the resulting issue of prioritizing what gets done next…and then next….and maybe held off till tomorrow, or next week.

That issue, the one of prioritizing what you do next is a real chore when you also remember that the marketing plan/program tasks you face are long, intensive and if fact, barely worth it….if at all. To help, of course, the automation of any of those tasks, by making them both user-time-friendly as well as hopefully ROI enhanced, counts big time if it exists. And that’s the point of this report, eh!

“Contrary to some predictions, B2B email marketing is not dead. In fact, it’s growing at a healthy pace across all segments of our client base. While it may seem contradictory – after all, campaign sizes are shrinking – it actually makes perfectly good sense…”

Remember, they’re talking automation of this marketing tactic, so that alone is worth the read, but for me the most important part of the report was the pull quote above…that yup, email marketing is growing….that’s a surprise to me and something that we’ll be talking about more in the near future too!

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This post was written by David Moceri