Is Money Making with Blogging Possible?

Blogging has been a mainstay for years, but if making money with blogging is possible why are people making fun that it didn’t it make a millionaire out of you? Blogging is often believed and misunderstood by people as cutesy way of creatively expressing themselves online. On the contrary, you will be able to make money with blogging if you develop your online influence or learn the Internet Marketing experts’ secret to grow business.

First off, you must be aware that money making with blogging takes a lot of time, effort, correct approach, and the right information to ensure lasting success and profit. If setting up a blog is all new to you, keep in mind that proper order in doing the task is a must so that something good may happen. Do market research to find the right niche before you spend money on a domain name to save money and prevent heartache. What many businesses have ignored is the fact that your motivation to work will suffer if you are not interested in it. In order to be successful, you have to make sure that you love this niche to keep you from the misery of working on something that doesn’t interest you.

Determine the best theme you fork out for because if you choose the wrong layout, it matters significantly and will have a terrible effect. You can initially choose the themes that are free but you have to be watchful because they sometimes contain encrypted codes that may develop broken formats if not updated. Also, consider whether the plug-ins you will be using will do well with them.

Local SEO Company like HeyGoTo will be able to help your blog rank number one in Google by writing search friendly content and develop a writing voice that reflects your unique personality. If you are considering social media engagement, you must aim for a strategy that evoke response from readers and will automatically be optimized for search.
Internet Marketing expert, David Moceri will be able to help you earn money from your blog and ensure that you don’t come across outdated information.

Ways for Blogs to Aid Marketing

• There is no well-defined standard about how frequent you update your blog as search engine ranking success depends on the competitive landscape of your market. So, write blogs about your business and optimize them better than authoritative sites in your niche. Updating it twice a month could result to greater advantage.
• To help Google and other search engine to determine the category of your blog, optimize the page for at least 3 closely related keywords. However, since it is impossible to have enough categories and sub-categories, blog posts should be written for targeted keywords that don’t warrant a category and subcategory position. This will allow you to increase the spectrum of your targeted keyword phrase to strategically linkback to the posts within the page.
• Whereas readers look up to authors as experts, those who put their heart into influencing readers with what they write will have the upper hand in nurturing relationships and building trust with customers and prospects. Learn from the world-class marketing blogs, pay close attention to formatting, tone, post length, images and post frequency and ultimately you will be able to create a blog that reflects your unique personality.

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This post was written by David Moceri