Saturday, October 23, 2010 How To Make Money With Twitter Without Any Followers

One of the most popular questions I get about online marketing is, “How do I make money with Twitter or Facebook?”  This is a question that one could answer with the typical response of “build a following.”  Once you have a list of qualified prospects you can market to them just like you would any other prospects or customers.

This inevitably brings up the issue of building followers and that requires some tools, an understanding of your market and a genuine interest in providing value.  I’ve been blessed with a large Twitter following (@mfleischner) based on the popularity of my book, SEO Made Simple, and my recent media appearances.  I’ve used TweetAdder religiously over the last year and make my Twitter handle easy to find.
The challenge with this approach is that it takes time and you still have to move people through a pretty lengthy purchase decision process.  What if I told you that you don’t need to build a list of followers to make money with Twitter?  In fact, having followers is actually irrelevant to how much money you can make using social media?

Almost every Twitter  marketer will tell you that you will need to have followers first before getting  any traffic from Twitter.  Well, that is very true to average Twitter marketers. They follow other users in Twitter and wish to follow them back, and then send offers. That  is a very time consuming process and personally hasn’t produced any significant results for me, and I have 10,000+ followers!

Also Read: Lee Odden Facebook Pages for B2B Social Media Marketing

At a recent social media conference I was asking some fellow Internet Marketers about the tools they were using for social media and how they were making money online.  I discovered a new tool, even more powerful than TweetAdder, that promised a solution to the dilemma of reaching individuals at the precise moment they were looking for a particular product or solution – and had NOTHING to do with the number of followers I had.

I want to introduce you a new Twitter tool that rapidly gaining popularity all over the Internet not just because it can do everything you need to succeed in twitter but because of its capability to drive traffic from Twitter to your website even if you have 0 followers.

It’s called TweetAttacks.  Not too many Internet marketers even know about this product yet but those who do are going crazy about it.  Myself included.  I spoke to the programmer behind the product and he is letting me offer it to my blog followers at a $20 discount this week only.  He told me that he’s thinking of closing off sales by the end of the week so you’ll have to act fast!

Personally I love it because it helps identify individuals who have a defined need and the tool automates the sales process.  Most importantly, this software is white hat.  Nothing nefarious or unethical going on here.  Quite the contrary.  You are simply automating the response to Tweets, promoting products that your prospects need.

Are you still doing the old way of Twitter marketing that  been doing by 99% of twitter marketers?
You’ve got to try this little wonder and say goodbye to  being average Twitter marketer. For an exclusive $20 discount this week only.

Contact HeyGoTo at (702) 475-4227 or go to today to find out how we can help you! To read more industry information go to the HeyGoTo Blog at

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This post was written by David Moceri